What Are the Benefits of Functional Fitness Testing to Clients?

Physical Benefits of Functional Fitness Testing

A physically active lifestyle, a healthy weight, and a moderate-to-high degree of cardiorespiratory fitness are important aspects of improving general health and overall well-being. Someone who is “physically fit” is associated with a lower risk for chronic conditions, like high cholesterol1-9 and preventable deaths and mortality.10-15

Physically fit individuals also experience:

  • Reduced healthcare spending16-22
  • Decreased productivity loss1,23-26
  • Decreased absenteeism27,28
  • Reduced short-term disability
  • Reduced work days lost23, 2
  • Overall enhanced mood and work performance6,30

Fitness is also associated with other non-health-related benefits, including:

  • Increased worker income and overall family earnings31,32
  • Lower debt33
  • Lower long-term unemployment30
  • Low turnover rates
  • Job satisfaction
  • Employer recruitment and retention of workers34-36

Emotional Benefits of Functional Fitness Testing

While physical fitness has been well established to be important for good physical health, the National Institute on Aging states there are also many emotional benefits to staying functionally fit:

  • Social engagement
  • Mental acuity
  • Self-confidence
  • Independence

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22. Wang F, McDonald T, Champagne LJ, Edington DW. 2004. Relationship of body mass index and physical activity to health care costs among employees. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 46:428–36.
23. Burton WN,McCalister KT, Chen C-Y, EdingtonDW. 2005. The association of health status, worksite fitness center participation, and two measures of productivity. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 47:343–51.
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