How Does a Functional Fitness Test Work?

  • Pre-screen—your client fills out a questionnaire to determine whether they qualify for the test. Vital signs are taken. If they fail, physician consent is recommended.
  • Test selection—the healthcare or fitness professional determines the type of exam they want to perform: a mini (15 min) exam, a moderate (20-25 min) exam, or a comprehensive (30-35 min) exam. The software will then select the appropriate tests (based on age and sex) from peer-reviewed medical journals.
  • Perform the fitness screen—a health or fitness professional conducts the various tests on the client.
  • Email or print the report—generate a report and share the results with the client.
  • Exercise program design—a health or fitness professional then designs an exercise program for the client based on the test results.

What Functional Fitness Testing (FFT) Procedures Are Used in the webFCE Software?

15 Minutes
20-25 Minutes
30-35 Minutes
Pre-Screening PAR-Q, or AHA/ACSM Questionnaire
Resting vital signs
Yes Yes Yes
Body Composition
Height, Weight, Waist/Hip Circumference
Percent Body Fat using peer reviewed formulas.
Cardio-Respiratory Walk/Run: 6 Min Walk, Cooper Run, Treadmill
Step: Astrand or Queen Step Test
Ergometer: Arm Crank, Fox, Astrand, 3 min bike
Select One Select One Select One
Flexibility Screen Posture Upper Extremity Back Scratch Test Back Scratch Test Back Scratch Test
Trunk/Lower Extremity Sit n Reach/Chair Reach Sit n Reach/Chair Reach Sit n Reach Test/Chair
Posture Scale NA REEDCO Posture Scale REEDCO Posture Scale
Muscle Strength, Power, Endurance Strength/Endurance: Upper Extremity Push up/Arm Curl Test Push up/Arm Curl Test Push up/Arm Curl Test
Strength/Endurance: Trunk N/A Sit up or Plank Test Sit up and/or Plank Test
Strength/Endurance: Lower Extremity Sit to Stand Test Sit to Stand Test Sit to stand and Single calf raise
Power: Upper Extremity N/A Optional Grip Strength Test
Power: Lower Extremity N/A Optional Vertical Jump Test
Motor Coordination and Balance Upper Gross Motor N/A N/A Box/Block Test
Lower Gross Motor N/A N/A LEMOCOT Test
Dynamic Balance (Stability) Functional Reach or Timed Get up/Go Test or Y-Balance Test Functional Reach or Timed Get up/Go Test and/or Y-Balance Test Functional Reach and/or Timed Get up/Go Test and/or Y-Balance Test
Dynamic Balance (Mobility)
Static Balance One Leg Stance: eyes open One Leg Stance: eyes open
One Leg Stance: eyes closed
>One Leg Stance: eyes open
One Leg Stance: eyes closed Modified Romberg Test
Speed and Agility Hop: Hexagon Test (Young Adults) Optional Select One Select One
Run: Figure of 8 Run (Middle Age)
Step: 4 Square Step Test (Older Adults)
TOTAL # OF TESTS (Suggested) 7 10-11 17 to 19